Work Experience

So this summer, I've passed alot of my time by pouring my efforts into helping local production company Masspro Productions with the filming and editing of various events. It's pretty small time stuff at the moment, weddings, birthdays, dance schools and so forth but the company is steadily improving its clientele base. 

For instance, next month we'll be shooting a documentary about ghosts (for festival entry, with my guidance!) and there are talks to bring about a new tv show with our help. As in, actual tv filming experience. And production of afformentioned tv filming experience. Wow. I can't go into.. well... ANY detail currently but I'll keep uptodate on what I'm allowed to release. As a teaser, it's related to something I've shown interest in in the past. 

Anyway, I know that this work experience isn't completely related to the paths of production and drawing like I'm trying to taper myself towards as a career but.. it's good experience all the same and I'm tired of missing opportunities. 

Here is a video of me in action! Watch me go! WooO!

EDIT: Apparantly blogger is up to its old tricks of being what we refer to in the business as a 'right gay bastard' so if you would be so kind as to follow this link, you'll get the serving of hummus I slaved over for you.

Also I've been taking on various live briefs around illustration so that I can see what it would be like cutting it as a freelancer. My experiences so far.. I will go into during the next post.

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