Here are some of the concepts we're presenting to D&AD for the character brief. The character is called Maxine Madison and she's an introspective, cynical girl with a big dirty chip on her shoulder about the way in which society operates.
In the drawings here you see two kinds of the character in 'different from everyone else' scenarios which she percieves herself to be. The first shows a real focus on her from the surrounding almost feature-less ghosty types so.. maybe she feels like everyone is watching her or maybe I had some weirdy 'ghost whisperer' thing going on at the time, whereas the second has a more isolate mood as all the 'zombies' (people who arn't Maxine) stumble about meaninglessly and in complete self focus; taking no notice of her as she's left to contemplate how much greater she is than all of them on a moral level. Or some similar higher ethical ground crap. The irony of that is the probability that a few people around her probably feel the exact same way about her but... this is from Maxine's perspective.